How Many Tax Seasons…26? Yes, 26!

Lori Ellingson has retired after 26 tax seasons and Alayna (Legal Eagle) Bell is off to follow her much anticipated law career as she moves on to become a Law Clerk for a Judge in Ramsey County.  Both of these amazing women are on new paths, with new adventures and experiences in front of them.  While this impacts the team you are used to hearing and seeing, we are excited to announce a new edition to our team: Stacy Cook

Stacy joined us in mid February for the tax season and we have found her to be a great solution as we make this transition and continue to grow.  Please join us in welcoming her to the team!  She will be sitting at the front desk and there is a very good chance you will speak to her if you are calling in to the office.  She is ready, willing and able to assist each of you as needed.

If you would like to send either Lori or Alayna a note wishing them well you can do that here.  Stacy will make sure that all well wishes are distributed to Lori & Alayna.

Ellingson & Ellingson Ltd.