New and Improved Communication

We want you to have access to what you need when you need it.  To achieve this we have added some new faces to our team and created this quick reference sheet for who to reach out to for what.

What: Tactical and logistical questions such as historical information, setting up meetings, and paying invoices.

Who: Riley, our amazing Office Manager!

Riley is the person you want to talk to if you need information quickly.  In addition to the above, she can help you get what you need from your CPA much faster than leaving them a voicemail.  She is happy to help with anything that might come to mind and a great person to start with when you have questions.

What: Confidential documents and complex tax questions

Who: Your trusted CPA

We recommend starting with Riley for all communication, but we know sometimes you just want that direct line of connection with your CPA.  You are always welcome to call or email your CPA directly with specific tax questions and tax advisory needs.  Our team is here to serve you and will do the best they can to get back to you in a timely manner.

What: Client experience and feedback

Who: Lana, our Operations and Client Services Lead

Lana is committed to your experience and the smooth operation of our firm.  She is your go-to for suggestions/feedback, invoicing and billing, and all client referrals.

However you choose to reach out to us, we will provide you with genuine care and hard work. We look forward to hearing from you soon!