News from Ellingson & Ellingson, Ltd.

Qualifying Expenses for MN K-12 Education Subtraction & Credit

Back to School is just a few weeks (eek)!

If you have younger children you’re liking looking forward to it. But for some of us with Juniors/Seniors, we can’t believe it and are already starting to think about when they graduate and leave home. Lol.

Anyway, the State of MN Department of Revenue is reminding parents about benefits they can claim when filing their taxes next year.

Buying school supplies like pens, notebooks, or even computer hardware, could save you money on your tax bill or qualify you for a larger refund.

The revenue department recommends saving your school-supply receipts in a folder or envelope. Special envelopes are also available at the education building @mnstatefair

All the details, dos and don’ts can be found here: